Tag: Abstract

Roxanna Publishes Paper in the American Oil & Gas Reporter

Roxanna Publishes Paper in the American Oil & Gas Reporter

We’re proud to announce the publication of our latest scientific paper, entitled “Industry Players Still Have Much To Learn About Exploiting Shales.”  Co-Authored by our own, Marlan Downey, Julie Garvin and Alex Downey, we’re offering a free download of the paper. You may download the paper here for free (PDF).

Energy Extraction from Geopressured Hot Water

Energy Extraction from Geopressured Hot Water

A wise man once said… “Anything is possible that is not forbidden by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.” Spoken by a true visionary and researcher. My personal interests are in discerning what is most economic to do TODAY. Currently, the most nearly economic large scale source of renewable earth energy for the USA may be…

Important Problems for Methane Hydrate Commercialization

Important Problems for Methane Hydrate Commercialization

There are many, many interesting problems associated with understanding methane hydrates. From a world view, however, the most important problems are those that deal directly with extracting large quantities of methane safely and cheaply from the frozen hydrate. If this cannot be done, the promise of enormous energy from methane hydrate remains an elusive rainbow.…