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Kimmeridge Energy: Kimmeridge Shale, United Kingdom
EPI: Exploration potential of Guatemala
Stack Play
Mississippian Carbonates, Woodford Shale, Hunton, Viola, Misener Sand
Successfully divested working interest in over 60,000 acres in Stack Play in 2018
Currently hold ORRI position in over 100 producing wells in Stack Play
Forest City Basin
Hunton and Viola development potential
Acquired 3000 acres in Fall City Field, Roxanna operated Hunton horizontal
Barnett Shale
Royalty position in 108 wells
Pendleton Oil Field
Roxanna operated horizontal redevelopment oil field
Acquired 25,000 acre in upper cretaceous fractured chalk resevoir
First two Roxanna drilled horizontals combined for over 1300 BOPD and 100,000 Cum Oil to date
Two horizontals have been drilled, one for a conversion SWD and the other being turned to production 1Q2021
Spudding a vertical test on western extent that servers as lease maintencance earning us 2 additional years on primary lease term
Wyoming Overthrust
Acquired over 100,000 acres with Matador Resources in 2008
Targeted Meade Peak gas shale (Phosphoria)
Participated in horizontal test
Evaluations of Bakken and Heath Shales
Powder River Basin
Evaluations of Frontier, Muddy, Niobrara formations
Participated in the formation of Arris Petroleum, later sold to PDC Energy
Leasehold evaluation for DG Petro, focusing on Wolfcamp and Bone Springs acreage evaluation and landing zones
Mineral royalties in Culberson and Reeves counties
Evaluations on play potential of Woodford Shale, Thirty-one Chert
Evaluated and acquired over 50,000 acres with Kimmeridge Energy
Gothic and Hovenweep shales, and Penn carbonate play
Evaluated and acquired over 40,000 acres in Chainman Shale
Sold to PetroHunt in 2005
Northern Michigan Basin
Evaluations on A1 Carbonate, Brown Niagran formations
Mississippi Salt Basin
Evaluation of Smackover potential
Las Animas Arch
Over 50,000 acres acquired with Kimmeridge Energy in 2013
Spergen dolomite and Pennsylvanian reservoirs
Cored 200’ of Mississippian
Kerr Basin
Barnett shale, Hunton
Roxanna operated the Manzanos field, non-op interests in several
Illinois Basin
Acquired over 85,000 acres with Kimmeridge Energy in 2013
Targeted New Albany Shale and Mississippian Carbonate
Several cores taken, two horizontal well tests
Gulf Coast Basin
Non-op interest in conventional Wilcox, Frio and Yegua fields
Eagleford/Austin Chalk evaluation
Falls City Field
Hunton, Viola horizontal development potential
Acquired 3000 acres in Fall City Field, Roxanna operated Hunton horizontal
IP’d at over 100 BOPD (doubling field avg at the time), produced ~ 37,000 cum BO
San Joaquin Basin
Kreyenhagen Shale evaluated for horizontal development potential
East Texas Basin
Mature oil fields with horizontal redevelopment opportunities
Austin Chalk, Saratoga/Annona Chalk, Eagleford, Smackover evaluations
Black Warrior Basin
Floyd/Neal Shale
Generated play in 2005 for Shell Oil, who acquired over 50,000 acres and successfully divested.
Appalachian Basin
Marcellus, Huntersville Chert, Chattanoga Shale
Generated Marcellus Play for Marathon Oil in 2008 prior to any horizontals
Marathon acquired over 80,000 acres and successfully divested play in 2013
Stack Play
Mississippian Carbonates, Woodford Shale, Hunton, Viola, Misener Sand
Successfully divested working interest in over 60,000 acres in Stack Play in 2018
Currently hold ORRI position in over 100 producing wells in Stack Play
Shublik, and Gamma Ray Shale evaluations in North Slope