- Floyd/Neal Shale
- Generated play in 2005 for Shell Oil, who acquired over 50,000 acres and successfully divested.
- Kimmeridge Energy: Kimmeridge Shale, United Kingdom
- EPI: Exploration potential of Guatemala
- China
- Dubai
- Israel
- Germany
- Mississippian Carbonates, Woodford Shale, Hunton, Viola, Misener Sand
- Successfully divested working interest in over 60,000 acres in Stack Play in 2018
- Currently hold ORRI position in over 100 producing wells in Stack Play
- Hunton and Viola development potential
- Acquired 3000 acres in Fall City Field, Roxanna operated Hunton horizontal
- Royalty position in 108 wells
- Roxanna operated horizontal redevelopment oil field
- Acquired 25,000 acre in upper cretaceous fractured chalk resevoir
- First two Roxanna drilled horizontals combined for over 1300 BOPD and 100,000 Cum Oil to date
- Two horizontals have been drilled, one for a conversion SWD and the other being turned to production 1Q2021
- Spudding a vertical test on western extent that servers as lease maintencance earning us 2 additional years on primary lease term
- Acquired over 100,000 acres with Matador Resources in 2008
- Targeted Meade Peak gas shale (Phosphoria)
- Participated in horizontal test
- Evaluations of Bakken and Heath Shales
- Evaluations of Frontier, Muddy, Niobrara formations
- Participated in the formation of Arris Petroleum, later sold to PDC Energy
- Leasehold evaluation for DG Petro, focusing on Wolfcamp and Bone Springs acreage evaluation and landing zones
- Mineral royalties in Culberson and Reeves counties
- Evaluations on play potential of Woodford Shale, Thirty-one Chert
- Evaluated and acquired over 50,000 acres with Kimmeridge Energy
- Gothic and Hovenweep shales, and Penn carbonate play
- Evaluated and acquired over 40,000 acres in Chainman Shale
- Sold to PetroHunt in 2005
- Evaluations on A1 Carbonate, Brown Niagran formations
- Evaluation of Smackover potential
- Over 50,000 acres acquired with Kimmeridge Energy in 2013
- Spergen dolomite and Pennsylvanian reservoirs
- Cored 200’ of Mississippian
- Barnett shale, Hunton
- Roxanna operated the Manzanos field, non-op interests in several
- Acquired over 85,000 acres with Kimmeridge Energy in 2013
- Targeted New Albany Shale and Mississippian Carbonate
- Several cores taken, two horizontal well tests
- Non-op interest in conventional Wilcox, Frio and Yegua fields
- Eagleford/Austin Chalk evaluation
- Hunton, Viola horizontal development potential
- Acquired 3000 acres in Fall City Field, Roxanna operated Hunton horizontal
- IP’d at over 100 BOPD (doubling field avg at the time), produced ~ 37,000 cum BO
- Kreyenhagen Shale evaluated for horizontal development potential
- Mature oil fields with horizontal redevelopment opportunities
- Austin Chalk, Saratoga/Annona Chalk, Eagleford, Smackover evaluations
- Floyd/Neal Shale
- Generated play in 2005 for Shell Oil, who acquired over 50,000 acres and successfully divested.
- Marcellus, Huntersville Chert, Chattanoga Shale
- Generated Marcellus Play for Marathon Oil in 2008 prior to any horizontals
- Marathon acquired over 80,000 acres and successfully divested play in 2013
- Mississippian Carbonates, Woodford Shale, Hunton, Viola, Misener Sand
- Successfully divested working interest in over 60,000 acres in Stack Play in 2018
- Currently hold ORRI position in over 100 producing wells in Stack Play
- Shublik, and Gamma Ray Shale evaluations in North Slope